Friday, June 27, 2008

How Large Is A Large Kidney Cyst

Do you hate reading?

"" HATE "read? Who does not?

These sentences can be known to us, we are young and apparently there are more important to think about. Moreover, maybe not even enjoy reading this ... but what you thought about what is actually read?
I thought that reading was just seeing words in a book ... But thanks to a task school, I discovered that no, you could understand from reading a newspaper to a song. And of course, I love that.

The task was to give a speech about the joy of reading, and thanks to the teacher, I found that reading included a very important part of our lives.

We are very lucky that we can do, considering that the illiteracy rate is high. There are several programs to help these people once a year does not hurt, right?.
We must all help, and I think it is sufficient to teach a person, because that and change the world!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Emu Boots Difference Bronte

The bad, the ugly and the good ...

Today I was reading the latest ... barristas and it seems that the "U" and recovered ...

particular, do not enjoy watching a football game. But I understand that most Peruvians do. Besides we all know that happen regularly clashes between groups of fans, and of course, we should not be tolerated, but the reality is different.
happened because a couple of people passed on motorcycles shooting fans soccer, even though they were escorted by police. Without saying anything, just shot ...
One boy died, and I'm surprised that the violence is coming to these ends ... It is unacceptable that people our age is stuck in violent acts.

I believe that when one likes something (like a football team) has every right to defend it. But getting to fight for a group that's not healthy.
And we should all understand that, because the consequences are serious enough in this case, and may be even worse! It is important to understand and analyze these situations.

always good to know of the things that happen. Taking internet, INFORMARMOS OPPORTUNITY IS WONDERFUL . Unfortunately, events like these make us think that we can not progress. BUT!

not expect others changes, you change itself, start doing it ALL!

it sounds incredible

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Micro Sd Carddell Inspiron 1525

Our 2 biggest problems ...

Well ... Today is a day like others in the school. I imagine that many of those attending also read ... And you have to think how good are the teachers who teach them.

I can not complain, mine are pretty good. But unfortunately, the education in the country is declining, just the results (151 to 183 118) test taken by the state teachers, revealing that we are not going the right direction.

Many are lucky, for the opportunity to study ... I say "opportunity" because despite being a right, it is very difficult to be fulfilled here. Often, for lack of resources.

That brings us to another social problem: POVERTY

indicate that rates have decreased by 5.2% ... It's pretty hard to do, but we doubt it. If the figures show something, so it should be. But this happens in areas known, easily accessible locations, and what about the others?. What about those who have never seen the government fulfill promises? They represent a
great percentage of the nation that needs help, not only by the government. I think we should all help where we can. The more we do, the better!

And you ... What can you do?