Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Symptoms Of Pregnancy Sensitive

this also happened in August! Last Sunday

Supplement 12 (Friday, August 15, 2008)

Marcelle Proust Questionnaire * Melisa Hermida

If vagina would be ...
mine. If

penis would be to ...
the statue from the movie The Goonies, which breaks down and stick it upside down. Hopefully

condoms were invented ...
chocolate marquise.

If my bed would speak ...
je t'aime, moi non plus!

I have two ...
eyes anymore.

Nobody knows but in the bathroom, immediately after ...
do touches me.

What word can not help but say that time?
"What, Osvaldo?!

Who would like to see in a porno? Carlitos Bala
A with Andrea del Boca.

Where would a new hole?
In Plaza Miserere.

How many are many?
300 million. What

detail under her clothes out of the mood?
socks on.

What is your favorite position?
The 315, 111 and 134 (branch B).

What is for you a magic dust?
an illegal substance.

How does he know that it is 'there'? Drawing a full small map
arrow type overview.

When lying?
at 6 pm.

Size does not matter unless you ...
not understand the summary table.

What always wanted and never had?
black Barbie and many playmobil

has to outlast, but unless ...
more than a cup of tea, but less than a thermos of mate. Melisa

Hermida is a young actress, playwright and director, who is in the lineup the hit show, The only way (to tell this story is in mandarin). Based on a free adaptation of the story Endgame, Julio Cortázar, the work suggests a universe female immutable, suspended in the past and present of three sisters. Directed by Ana Lidejover and performances by Ana Scanapieco, Maggie and Sabrina Gomez Grondona (Saturday at 21.30, in the chapel of the Muses, Mario Bravo 960).


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