Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Change Front Element Of Lens

Open Room

almost a century, the independent theater scene is presented in researching and creating new cultural aesthetic languages \u200b\u200band production models.

Today, its rooms in the different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, host events that bring cultural diversity to the city and enrich its proposals our history and identity.

3 to 9 November, locals and visitors live the first week of the Independent Theatre, Buenos Aires Sala Abierta. A week to enjoy, for free, a wide and varied program with 270 companies on the scene in 80 rooms throughout the city

Buenos Aires Sala Abierta realize the great independent art production and aims to facilitate the access of people to enjoy the transforming experience that offers each play. It will certainly be a feast for those who regularly attend these venues. But above all, be a great opportunity for more people come to discover this wonderful universe.

All entrances to the theater of Buenos Aires Sala Abierta are free .

Tickets must be removed at the Culture House - Avenida de Mayo 575 - from Tuesday 28, Monday to Saturday from 11 to 18 h while supply lasts.

Each person may purchase up to a maximum of 2 tickets for 3 different functions. 0800-333-7848 from 13 to 20 hours.

Open Function Room "The Only Way"
Sunday November 9 at 17 hrs,
The shrine of the Muses. Features

week: Saturday at 21.30hrs

El de las Musas Camarine
Mario Bravo 960 reservas al 4862-0655

Los esperamos!


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