Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Puss Coming Out Areola


you seen our video?
but enters in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTBawq_lyXo

Here are two reviews of the function 1, Season 3:

Blog: Life and Love with the Word

Music starts the story, the story shows the "end game". The scenery absorbs the colors of a reality that is emerging as delusional and relevant, can not take off from the truth that is presented. "I've gotten many years to live outside of me," and thus shows the existence and possible reality. The times are marked by lights and shadows, the music is used as a beauty company that makes this story more than a play. To see and see again! (Meche Martínez)


Dim lighting and instrumental music. Everything indicates a quiet space, warm. Three bodies that dance in harmony until one of them breaks the proposed code. Dance unbridled chaos.

The only way (to tell this story is with mandarin) relates the emotions and feelings that happen to three sisters when faced with an unspeakable truth.

The pain of wanting to be what is not, the obligation to accept an unwelcome reality is reflected in this work that builds on the basic structure of the story by Julio Cortazar, "End Game."

What happens when you have to pretend it is not accepted? What happens when this is not recorded and lives in the past? How do you do to escape from yourself?

The weight of a secret, which acts as a hinge of history, is maintained throughout the work and is sustained by excellent performances , each offer a range of hues ranging from climate of tension and drama to time to relax and (paradoxically what is meant by drama) even comic moments.

The work has a stage designed to hold the story. The objects provide features to redefine the characters and according to the time that is history.

The light works as a trigger for proposals while intensifying expressions and vocal cuts the bodies in space and highlights the emotions.

The combination of these elements, a stage set designed to accompany the story, performances that excite and inspire us to reflect on instances in life, make this work, a play on the Billboard interesting Buenos Aires.



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