Friday, January 1, 2010

Hdfc Debit Card Mobile Recharge


Paul and Marita are two brothers that one day they went on a trip with their parents. The went so well that they realized they had arrived the night, so who sought hotel to stay but nearly all were occupied except one who was in front of an abandoned park. It was said that in that park had died a very brutal girl and that he failed to peace in this world because it was hanging around there.
The family is staying at the hotel. Marita next day realizes that his brother had changed much in the way of being, as quiet and isolated notices them. After that both went to the park where he heard a voice saying: "Help me! Help me, please! "Paul is shocked and really scared, then begins to scream and run from there.

Years passed and as an adult he continues to think of this event and decides to face his fear, so go back to where it all began. When there was heard the same voice from long ago, he is closer curious to see where it came from and you notice that voice came from a doll house, so he decides to go and see the girl who asked for help, but this Once they no longer wanted to spend the years it took hate that boy who never wanted to help her and she just wanted to take it ...

Paul to realize the intentions of the girl begins to run but could not because it was too late , and was caught and never returned home. Now they say it is he who seeks help at the abandoned park. CASTRO

Baltodano, Claudia Student Sara
"Our Lady of Peace"


A girl aged 15 named Carmen, the experiences of his life, which are full of illusions, confusions and hopes. She lived in her parents' house, where I was going through many family problems.

tried to give solution to their problems, but as he gave a solution to one of the many problems I had, was sinking deeper into space. Suddenly one afternoon in his room crying, moaning and thinking that if she did not exist at home all the problems could be solved. Suddenly a bright light comes through her window, she looks surprised where it came from that light, looking at the sky watching was a reflection of a beautiful and cute little white dove, she raised her arm and the dove came to her, took her in his hands and exclaimed: "How beautiful you are, could I do a favor?, give my message to Dear God, tell him to help me and send me a sign to give solution to my problems!" Carmen came through her window and launched into the air to the beautiful dove.

The girl sighed and said, "Is that the dove will give you my message? ".

next day, he left school, entered his classroom and in class and suddenly a woman came in and announced: "I am a psychologist, my name is Rosa. Today's visit to give a talk on the family. " Before this, she begins to think and say: "Is the dove gave my message to God and He sent me a sign?"

very attentive when she heard the talk, to identify the cases that Miss exposed, is released into tears. Seeing it so, the psychologist is about to tell him their problems, but she did not want to share with so embarrassed their problems. Miss psychologist says, "If you do not tell me then I can not help. You know, God has sent me to you to help you. "
Then she answers: "Are you sure that God has sent? If so, then I'll tell you. "

then explain their problems, the psychologist gave lots of advice and one of them was: "God gives each one of us a blank check, which puts a price and Judgement Day, God charged same price that you will put your life. " The girl thought and realized that hope is the last thing you lost and what you do in life, whether good or bad, Somebody there is going to charge you and that Someone is God.

also learned that to know how to live, learn to experience and taste of all things good and bad.

days passed and she was always in mind that advice and so began to solve their problems. CASTRO

AMAYA, Carmen Rosa
Student "Our Lady of Peace"

In a park, Anderson was talking to his friend Luis, and suddenly felt stung back.

After a few minutes they parted and each went to their respective homes. Anderson felt his back itched too, said that her mother Zoila and she replied, "What child, how much you scratch?" Anderson said, "Yes, Mom, I feel an itch here and not know what it is, can you see what I have, please? And then her mother checked the back and had a flea. The lady took it and put it in the palm of his hand and told his son: "Look, you had a flea." "Kill it, mash, mash and desaparécela of my face" - he replied. And the Flea said Anderson's mother: "Madam Zoilita, please do not kill me, if I sing like him dance to a song and I assure you he will. No doubt my word. " Then the lady decided to give it a chance.

The Flea sang and danced for the lady. He sang and he danced a modern Reggaeton and liked that song to Zoila, and suddenly the lady, very excited, clapped and killed the poor little flea.

Student "Our Lady of Peace"



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