Monday, May 2, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Enlarged Heart

NEW RULES misspelling of the RAE

The "Greek i" (y) into "e"

Many letters of the alphabet are various names depending on country. In fact, the "v" may be called "b short", "vee", "b labiodental" or "b low." However, the SAR had been standardized to give a single name for each letter. So from now "and" will be the "e", the "v" is "vee" and "w" will "double vee."

why the "b" and "i" to leave their nicknames "Be long" and "i latina" for simply "be" and "i".

The Ch and Ll are no longer

Although in practice were obsolete, the Ch and Ll were considered letters themselves since the nineteenth century. The new manual delete them formally, so that the alphabet is fixed at 27 letters.

the accents are just that distinguish the context

"I will go only if you want" means that my attendance depends on your decision. "I will go only if you want" means that if you want, do not take anyone. Now not be marked by a tilde the difference, so the "only" of loneliness merged with the "only" condition.

The RAE has determined that these cases are so infrequent and easy to resolve by the context of the phrase not worth establishing a rule to differentiate. The same concept applies to demonstratives (this / it), although the SAR specified that in all cases be the option of each person to use or not use accents.

Writer ... and has no tilde

Some words are considered when their pronunciation was monosyllabic hiatuses and diphthongs. Script is the case, rogue, fled or fever. Now all these words will not tick, considered a foul to use.

funny thing is that, as states the Diariocritico, these words are sharp with completion in n / s voice, so unprimed contradicts a higher standard.

Goodbye tittle of the letter "o" between numbers

Traditionally, the "o" was branded by positioning between numbers to avoid being confused with the number zero. However, the SAR has judged that the widespread use of computers avoids this confusion by what was just the 1 or 2 to welcome the 1 or 2.

earn the "C" and "K". Disappears "Q" of foreign terms

Previously, the "q" was used to write words like Qatar, Iraq and Quorum. However, the "k", inherited from the Visigoths, English is now considered fully, so the "q" is only reserved for the speech against the "ue" and "ui" as in "cheese" or "wanted ".

In future, will be Qatar, Iraq and CuĆ³rum. Insist on the spelling be deemed to be so alien as New York.

What do you think?


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