Friday, December 19, 2008

Bushnell Trophy Trs 25

Grand farewell
February and March 2009 2130 hrs Friday.
The shrine of the muses

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Chest X Ray Says Infiltrate

Love is not an invention of the literature ... (everything else, maybe so) ...

Shield For Honda Civic

Three mandarins in his last role ...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Maps Of A Hous For D&d


what if it all began with a piece of cloth?

Saturdays 22 and 29 November at 21.30hrs
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Kisses to the wardrobe!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Laptop 2010 For Architects

Have you seen her lately? The only way

Critics Magazine Lovers Siamese

dysfunctional Little Women - By Vivian Garcia Hermosillo

"Little Women dysfunctional lovers, scenes repeated over and over again. Their games us into their world: a small, shy but sweet and bleeding inside.

As a tangerine. "

to read the note:


Until November 29

Saturday 21.30 hrs.
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Federal Capital Reserves: 4862-0655

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Change Front Element Of Lens

Open Room

almost a century, the independent theater scene is presented in researching and creating new cultural aesthetic languages \u200b\u200band production models.

Today, its rooms in the different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, host events that bring cultural diversity to the city and enrich its proposals our history and identity.

3 to 9 November, locals and visitors live the first week of the Independent Theatre, Buenos Aires Sala Abierta. A week to enjoy, for free, a wide and varied program with 270 companies on the scene in 80 rooms throughout the city

Buenos Aires Sala Abierta realize the great independent art production and aims to facilitate the access of people to enjoy the transforming experience that offers each play. It will certainly be a feast for those who regularly attend these venues. But above all, be a great opportunity for more people come to discover this wonderful universe.

All entrances to the theater of Buenos Aires Sala Abierta are free .

Tickets must be removed at the Culture House - Avenida de Mayo 575 - from Tuesday 28, Monday to Saturday from 11 to 18 h while supply lasts.

Each person may purchase up to a maximum of 2 tickets for 3 different functions. 0800-333-7848 from 13 to 20 hours.

Open Function Room "The Only Way"
Sunday November 9 at 17 hrs,
The shrine of the Muses. Features

week: Saturday at 21.30hrs

El de las Musas Camarine
Mario Bravo 960 reservas al 4862-0655

Los esperamos!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can You Join Army Eczema

André Breton speaks of "The only way to tell this story ..."

"All we know is that we are endowed with a certain degree of speech and that it, something great and obscure have tended express through us, let each of us has been chosen and appointed himself among a thousand to make what, in our lifetime, must be formulated. That's an order we received once and for all and we have had never had time to discuss. "
Todo lo que
know is that, to a degree ICLS, we were gifted a word and that through it, something big and dark tends to express itself through us, every one of us was elected and appointed himself a thousand to formulate what of our being, must be formulated. Is an order we have received only once and without any discussions.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pokemon Goldgameshark Emulator

A Critique of Three Sisters

In "The Only Way (to tell this story is in mandarin)" presents us with a fragmented story in time, where three sisters play. His game proposes to ignore the reality, the impossibility, the passage of time. Three women-girls pass in a fragmented time which lead us and bring constantly. Women appear in moments of bitterness and cruelty. The girls play, sing, dance, tell stories, they darken and become women. And they put together a round circle in which hides a painful truth.
This is a very focused proposal in aesthetic creation. It has a beautiful scenery (Julian Villanueva), where space becomes a "past" and becomes "children." And with a dress (made by Cesar Taibo) which, being done all of the same genus (which very well could be upholstered in those old genres that relate to a home in the past), suggests a strong link between these three sisters, that appear to be large wrists with delicate dresses. Between the costumes, set design and inclusion of details like projection that can be seen before entering the room (in which a bee passes colorful landscapes), or the cup tangerine liqueur that invites viewers (also before the function), the environment is transformed into a warm space. Loaded with certain unreality and definitely style naif.
The plot is somewhat confusing. While there appears to be essential to go following you, but rather is presented as a sequence of photos where we see three girls dancing gladly and freely, any story where a story narrated by a child becomes a channel atonement by which complex thoughts of a density, a dance video clip mode, a never-ending story to tell ... with a truth waiting to emerge.
And so, after following this story presented as slides, a truth is revealed subtly suggested many times during the work. And all the past takes on greater weight. And the actions we are leading and will provide the necessary intensity for each particular time.
Among them are highlights of Ana Scannapieco (Burma), which consists of a woman who thinks being a girl, with a sensitivity to the surface and a great ability to laugh at those things themselves from the boys. A character parodied anything that flows with an ease fully studied.
Magdalena Grondona and Sabrina Gomez (Alaska and the Netherlands), with their performance, are those that give weight to this work that some of the disturbing story by Julio Cortazar, "Endgame" and maintains that same evocation of childhood that constructs Argentine writer.

"The only way (to tell this story is in Mandarin) is a very good job of direction and staging.

A different story for which it is worth adapting the senses.

Victoria C. López

What Foods Make Firm Poop

"Another way to count the game Cortazar: Burma, Alaska and the Netherlands, a powerful trio." Alejandro Cruz The Nation Shows

"An excellent work, a remarkable cast ... These things only happen in Buenos Aires!" Osvaldo Quiroga, The shelter of Culture

"Lucky debut of two writers-directors. A ritual that invites a peek retrospectively endless mirror reflections" Luis Mazas, 23
the only way (to tell this story is with mandarin) of A. Lidejover and M. Hermida

season 2!

Saturday 21.30 hrs.
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960
Federal Capital Reservations: 4862-0655

Friday, October 3, 2008

Can You Get Herpes Clothing

watch on TV!



Lead: Patricia Altmark - July Sapollnik

Next Issue: Sunday 5 October, 15.30 pm.

Theatre: ... The only way (to tell this story is in mandarin). producer interviewed Mercedes Longo and director Melisa Hermida.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ceiling Fans With Lights Menards

The bee had a dream: to fly past

media said:
"Another way to count the game Cortazar: Burma, Alaska and the Netherlands, a powerful trio." Alejandro Cruz, La Nation Shows
"An excellent work, a remarkable cast ... These things only happen in Buenos Aires!"
Osvaldo Quiroga, The shelter of Culture
"Lucky debut of two writers-directors. A ritual that invites a peek back on reflection mirror endless"
Luis Mazas, 23

the only way ( to tell this story is with tangerines)
A. Lidejover and M. Hermida
season 2!
Saturday 21.30 hrs.
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Federal Capital Reserves: 4862-0655

"Then we ran looking for momentum to climb a short slope jerk the railroad, and perched upon the world silently looked at our kingdom."
J. Cortazar, Final Game

Watch our clip!, I passed the link:

About the Work The work - a free adaptation of Cortazar's story "End Game", suggests a self-enclosed universe, immutable, suspended in the past and the present of three sisters. The story is assembled and disassembled in a constant game of temporality (girls from the past - women of this), about a well kept secret that articulates the story.

Friday, September 19, 2008

South Park Streaming With Sub Eng

children ... children of this ... Tangerines

Monday, September 15, 2008

Turn Webcam To Spycam


Saturday 21.30 hrs.
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Federal Capital Reserves: 4862-0655

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nh Media Audition 2010

We left on 1 We now number!

Many Thanks!

more about this magazine:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Symptoms Of Pregnancy Sensitive

this also happened in August! Last Sunday

Supplement 12 (Friday, August 15, 2008)

Marcelle Proust Questionnaire * Melisa Hermida

If vagina would be ...
mine. If

penis would be to ...
the statue from the movie The Goonies, which breaks down and stick it upside down. Hopefully

condoms were invented ...
chocolate marquise.

If my bed would speak ...
je t'aime, moi non plus!

I have two ...
eyes anymore.

Nobody knows but in the bathroom, immediately after ...
do touches me.

What word can not help but say that time?
"What, Osvaldo?!

Who would like to see in a porno? Carlitos Bala
A with Andrea del Boca.

Where would a new hole?
In Plaza Miserere.

How many are many?
300 million. What

detail under her clothes out of the mood?
socks on.

What is your favorite position?
The 315, 111 and 134 (branch B).

What is for you a magic dust?
an illegal substance.

How does he know that it is 'there'? Drawing a full small map
arrow type overview.

When lying?
at 6 pm.

Size does not matter unless you ...
not understand the summary table.

What always wanted and never had?
black Barbie and many playmobil

has to outlast, but unless ...
more than a cup of tea, but less than a thermos of mate. Melisa

Hermida is a young actress, playwright and director, who is in the lineup the hit show, The only way (to tell this story is in mandarin). Based on a free adaptation of the story Endgame, Julio Cortázar, the work suggests a universe female immutable, suspended in the past and present of three sisters. Directed by Ana Lidejover and performances by Ana Scanapieco, Maggie and Sabrina Gomez Grondona (Saturday at 21.30, in the chapel of the Muses, Mario Bravo 960).

Monday, August 25, 2008

How Many Ccs In One Syringe

Last Sunday to see "Mandarins" in Banfield!

August 31 at 17 hrs. Banfield

Larrea Ensemble Theatre 350
between Av H. Yrigoyen, the 8200 - and Lomas de Zamora Acevedo

Reservations: 4392 -2011

and Saturday as always:
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Federal Capital Reserves: 4862-0655

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fee Std Testing Jerseycity

is said of me ....

La única manera (de contar esta historia es con mandarinas)
Cortázar's story

work written and directed by Melissa and Ana Hermida Lidejover

"You'll see that from tomorrow the game is over" Julio Cortázar.
The first impression is quite playful, space strewn with artificial fruit lying essence of tangerine, a table on which there are piles of books in the library Robin Hood, a light that appears as fiction and mandarins ... all this prepares us for a game. The names, flowery clothes, the dance steps build what universe? Gradually
articulates the story, with pieces that seem to combine a whole and with fragments that are struggling to blow steadily and avoid a possible total.
But there happens to be, as in Cortázar's story, some instance of threat, slight, imperceptible air of gathering storm.
and moving objects as signs, or redefine or change of owner. Then the unstable part: the story is told and that leaves half the expectation of an explanation. Ana
Scannapieco, Sabrina Gomez Magdalena Grondona and build three characters that seduce, seducing, that move.
The rules are a bit strange but, as in the boys game, mutate, transfigure and accepted almost without protest.
When the game is to reach the end, we put together bits of old history, history that is not part of the game but of the tragedy. And you are part of our childhood. And we hope that in some universe of those who build the micro never took place. As expected the Netherlands and the narrator that Ariel is sitting across the train. Monica Berman

CAST: Sabrina Gomez

Ana Magdalena Grondona



Art Direction and Costume Design: Cesar Taibo
Lighting Design: Omar Possemato
Making art director: Julian Villanueva
Music: Jackson Souvenirs
Press: Walter Duche / / Alejandro Zárate
Production: Mercedes Longo
Assistant director: Estefania
Lisi Director: Melissa Herman / / Ana Lidejover

The shrine of the Muses - Mario Bravo 960 - Tel: 4862-0655
Saturday 21.30hs
Locations: $ 20 .- Banfield

Ensemble Theatre - Larrea 350 (Lomas de Zamora) - Tel: 4392-2011
Sunday 17 pm until 08/31/2008
Locations: $ 15 .-

Monday, August 11, 2008

Activia Turns Stool Dark Brown

"The Only Way" is a trip to wonderland.

Sundays 17, 24 and 31 August at 17 hrs. Banfield

Larrea Ensemble Theatre 350
between Av H. Yrigoyen, the 8200 - and Lomas de Zamora Acevedo

Reservations: 4392 -2011

and Saturday as always:
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Federal Capital Reserves: 4862-0655

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wood For A Boat Interior

A giant orange that lacks

No problem. Beginning this Sunday we much orange for the south.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Period Due In 4 Days Cm Dry


This Month celebration in July for Independence Day ... has been quite unusual, is not it?

Starting with a woman who did not know or where they sat (Leysi) ... until a president who goes with his son (not previously recognized) by the hand as if nothing had happened ...

particular, I noticed a change in the meaning of Peruvian among us, but how is it that enough?

To the public (or quasi-public) like us, it is. Unfortunately, it seems that not everyone is putting in their efforts ... Because, as we saw, many ministers and legislators are in another topic ... When the focus should be proud to be Peruvian.

Thankfully, there are other people (and things) that encourage us to continue to be proud of being born here like that ad where they sing Oscar Avilés and Augusto Polo Campos, 2 living legends folk music (which joy to hear).
are also those 2 famous contest finalists Peru "Latin American Idol," and of course, delicious food ... who has the record of typical (Now you know )....

We arroz con pollo, ceviche, the juanes, the cause, stuffed potato, lomo saltado, the kid dry, the Andean Potatoes, carapulcra the puca, cau-cau , the pickled chili chicken ...

Countless dishes, customs, dances ... and more typical of Peru ...
So I hope everyone enjoyed (and know) a bit more of Peru, and thus bring about a gradual change ... Getting to the pure patriotism, which we all want enjoy =)


Monday, July 14, 2008

Sample Seminar Prayers

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Waxing Products Watson

Clip August On Sunday we went for a ride!

Sunday 10, 17, 24 and 31 August at 17 hrs. Banfield

Larrea Ensemble Theatre 350
between Av H. Yrigoyen, the 8200 - and Lomas de Zamora Acevedo

Reservations: 4392 -2011

and Saturday as always:
The shrine of the Muses
Mario Bravo 960

Federal Capital Reserves: 4862-0655

Monday, July 7, 2008

Temazepam Vet Medicine For Dogs

Brothers of Soul!


We Peruvians, and it is obvious that we are informed (or should be) about what happens in mega-trial of Fujimori ...

At first, the ex-president chose to remain silent and speak only to plead guilty in a comprehensive manner.

Vladimiro also has a trial, where he was questioned about his involvement in the INS.

But the interesting thing happened on Monday 30. Where Montesinos was to testify at trial against Fujimori.

is looking forward to this reunion. And filled our expectations, when
waved led to Fujimori, and this he said winking (nothing obvious ...)

So the court decided to disregard his statements, which were really simple phrases and nothing haughty partner in the trial.

These 2 gentlemen have made a mockery of the judiciary in Peru, and worst of all, they were left ...

Incredible ...